What does nature-positive mean for business?

发表: 11月9日
类型: 出版

“积木”的目标 break down the key concepts of nature-positive action that appear in key publications 和 translate them into clear steps that help a non-expert business audience to readily 和 simply underst和 what makes an action nature positive. 这 work will serve as the foundation for a roadmap that help companies navigate actions, tools 和 other resources across different 价值 chains, 和 raise the level of ambition 和 指南 business to credibly contribute to nature-positive outcomes, helping businesses to better identify 和 underst和 the implications of the 全球自然目标 for business: net positive by 2030 和 full recovery by 2050. 

的 intent of this work is not to add to the noise 和 confusion by creating something new – instead we are building on 和 translating 现有的消息传递和指导 on nature-positive 和 interpret it for a business audience, to make it more underst和able 和 communicable to business

WBCSD practitioner’s 指南: what does nature-positive mean for business? 

指南 exp和s on the building blocks 信息图表 和 offers a comprehensive version of the "building blocks" to 指南 credible business action to a nature-positive as well as a net-zero 和 equitable world. Using common steps from existing frameworks as a basis, these building blocks help business underst和 the implications of the 全球自然目标 in raising the level of ambition 和 action to achieve a nature-positive world by 2030. 

Download the practitioner’s 指南: what does nature-positive mean for business

的 信息图表 summarizes the key messages for each building block: 

  • 评估 & 优先考虑:评估 & 优先考虑 – 评估 realms of nature (biodiversity, 淡水, 土地, oceans) potentially relevant to operations 和 the 价值 chain 和 优先考虑 impacts, dependencies 和 opportunities for regeneration. 
  • 提交: Set a baseline 和 commit to ambitious, 有时限的, science-informed goals 和 targets to both halt 和 reverse the loss of nature. 
  • 测量 & 价值: Use validated, inter-related indicators to measure nature outcomes that inform decision-making. 
  • 行为: Systematically apply the mitigation hierarchy within 和 beyond corporate operations to reduce pressures 和 have positive contributions across 价值 chains. 
  • 变换: Collaborate to achieve nature-positive outcomes across all spheres of control 和 influence. 
  • 披露 & 报告: Prepare to disclose material nature-related information. 

WBCSD is currently scoping across the organization 和 with other stakeholders to apply these elements consistently for the coherent development of nature-positive roadmaps for priority 价值-chains. Based on the analysis of the World Economic Forum on the 自然经济报告系列 (2020),波士顿咨询公司的报告 的 Biodiversity Crisis Is a Business Crisis (2021) 和 the interest of WBCSD members, we have identified the following priority 行业 for the 自然的行动 project work in 2022: 土地 use (including agriculture 和 forestry), built environment 和 energy. 


的 building blocks are the outcome of a 多方参与的对话 that brought together more than 70 stakeholders representing more than 60 different organizations across disciplines, 行业, 和 价值 chains over the course of three virtual sessions. 的 framing 和 content of the building blocks have been iterated a number of times over the last few months following each dialogue session. 

Existing guidance includes the Infinity Loop by the 国家联盟, the process to set SBTs for 自然 by the 基于科学的目标网络, 和 the steps to becoming 自然-Positive by 商业为自然. 所有步骤都遵循相同的逻辑.


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