






全球领先企业, 团结在WBCSD, vote for the adoption of new membership criteria to accelerate the transformation to a sustainable world in the decade ahead.

2020年10月26日,日内瓦: 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), 连同200多家全球领先的会员公司, is raising the bar of business commitment to sustainability through the set of new criteria put forward as part of WBCSD’s membership conditions. These criteria were accepted by a strong majority of the leaders of WBCSD member companies during last week’s Annual 一般 Meeting (AGM), based on the unanimous recommendation by the 委员会’s Executive Committee (ExCo).

2020 marks WBCSD’s 25th year of working on accelerating the transition to a sustainable world, and the acceptance of the new criteria confirms the position of WBCSD as the leading business organization where companies turn their organizational and (cross-)sectoral and collaborative sustainability ambitions into reality.


  1. 设定实现温室气体净零排放的目标我们不迟于2050年实现这一目标,并制定有科学依据的计划.
  2. 制定雄心勃勃的、科学的短期和中期环境目标 这有助于到2050年恢复自然/生物多样性.
  3. Declare support for the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by having in place a policy to respect human rights and a human rights due diligence process.
  4. Declare support for inclusion, equality, diversity and the elimination of any form of discrimination.
  5. Operate at the highest level of transparency by disclosing material sustainability information in line with the Task Force on 气候-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and align Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) with environmental, 社会和治理相关(ESG)风险.

The five criteria focus on the top three priority sustainability challenges that our society faces: climate emergency, 自然损失和不平等. 另外, WBCSD expects its member companies to strive to the highest standards in corporate governance and transparency, aimed at enhancing the comparability of data for investors and other stakeholders.

The adoption of the new membership criteria followed several rounds of consultations over the past year with all members and the unanimous recommendation of the WBCSD ExCo. 新标准的制定需要这一点 WBCSD成员 are asked to prepare their companies over the next 24 months to be able to adhere to the membership criteria as of December 2022. 从2023年开始,遵守情况将通过 水务署“报告事项”计划 由哪个机构每年审核水务署成员的报告.

彼得不赞美, President and CEO of WBCSD since 2012, reflected: This marks an important moment for WBCSD. 从1995年开始, we have been the go-to place for businesses that are serious about sustainability and demonstrate true leadership for sustainable development. 现在, 在我们的第25个年头, we decided to bring our membership conditions in line with the urgent challenges facing our society by adding five new criteria to our membership conditions. The conditions will let our member companies focus on putting credible science-based action plans into motion to transform our economic systems. The fact that these were accepted by a strong majority of the leaders of our members during the 2020 AGM, shows that we are indeed the place for sustainable leadership and action, 但正规博彩十大网站排名也在推动更高的标准. 特别是在这场毁灭性的大流行期间, such an outcome underlines that businesses have not lost track of the greater pressing challenges looming ahead and are willing to tackle them urgently and collectively, if we are to create a world in which all 9+ billion people can live well within the boundaries of our planet.

Bakker补充道:“2021年以及未来, our main focus will be on turning sustainability ambitions into concrete actions, 使结果变换为实数. 新成员标准获得批准是重要的第一步, now we need to keep the momentum going and step up on the critical work needed for that. 底线是,如果我们在未来十年内不彻底改变, 乐观没有意义, 因为我们快没时间了. 与正规博彩十大网站排名的工作已经在进行中,并且恰逢 展望2050更新 – to be published in early 2021 – the purpose of which is to formulate an action agenda for business for 2021-2030 to deliver the change that our planet and people desperately need.

阳光Verghese奥兰国际有限公司联合创始人兼集团首席执行官., stated: When WBCSD started exploring the possibilities of updating its membership conditions, it became clear that the majority of the members had already been working towards some of the new criteria. 让它们成为所有会员公司的标准, WBCSD is further supporting the leadership position of business and making sustainability an integral part of business strategy and performance with ESG at the core, 符合水务署的规定 开放会员理念. 这是WBCSD及其成员成立25周年的真正里程碑.

Verghese added: WBCSD enhances the business case for sustainability through tools, 服务, 模式与经验. 它的可伸缩, science-based solutions deliver measurable impact while its members engage at the highest level, 影响议程,展示领导力. WBCSD成员 believe that by integrating social and environmental impacts with financial results, 企业将降低风险, make better decisions and lead the solutions that are aligned with the Sustainable 发展 Goals.
