
水务署可再生能源电力采购工作的经验教训, 如何在这十年展现领导力, 以及企业如何以可持续的方式购买所需的所有能源.

Published: 27 Apr 2023
Author: 玛丽安娜·海因里希,WBCSD能源总监
Type: Insight


  • 企业正在积极实现其正规博彩十大网站排名目标, 过去几年,是什么推动了企业可再生能源采购的增长.
  • 通过重新调节, WBCSD’s members have driven the transformation of renewable electricity (RE) procurement through power purchase agreements (PPAs), 为公司领导制定标准,并克服沿途的复杂障碍. 找到我们的指引 here.
  • 我们通过六项领导策略,分享我们对可持续可再生能源采购的最新建议.
  • We explore what’s next for companies to meet their decarbonization targets by procuring or producing sustainable heat solutions and fuels for their operations.

REscale是如何点燃可再生能源的 电力转换

在过去十年中, corporate renewable electricity procurement globally has grown exponentially – as companies are increasingly acting on their responsibility in solving the climate crisis and learning that doing business sustainably is the only way forward. 企业获取可再生能源的主要方式之一是通过电力购买协议(PPA), 企业买方(承购方)和发电商(开发商)之间的合同是什么, 独立电力生产商, 投资者)在预先商定的期限内以预先商定的价格购买电力.


It started with one vision: to bring together companies across the renewable electricity value chain to increase understanding and solve common challenges at a time when the corporate RE procurement market was in its infancy. 2015年,几家公司承诺100%使用可再生电力, 到2023年,已发展到数百家公司在实施方面取得重大进展.

通过全球企业可再生购电协议论坛的合作和知识共享, WBCSD成员能够识别障碍, 开发解决方案 & 风险缓解战略和建立标准 & 可再生能源电力采购规范,支持全球公司采用可再生能源解决方案.

论坛与各种律师合作, 会计师和顾问帮助公司内部的采购部门应对复杂的情况, including 会计的影响 各种各样的 企业购电协议定价结构,克服诸如 cross-border and 多元技术ppa, 克服在巴西和印度等特定市场的实施障碍, 并成立了若干旗舰国家和区域PPA论坛,探讨具体的地理需求 Argentina, India, Europe, Brazil and South Africa).

在欧洲,我们的联合RE-Source平台取得了显著的成功. 汇集欧洲风能, SolarPower欧洲, RE100和WBCSD的共同目标是打开市场, 创造需求,促进商机, 这个不断发展的社区还举办了世界上最大的年度企业可再生能源采购活动. 要了解更多并参与其中,请关注 RE-Source 参与的平台.

在过去的七年里, the REscale initiative has helped members become leaders in RE procurement – not only outpacing other companies but also demonstrating the significance of PPAs in financing and accelerating RE projects (点击这里阅读更多).

Today, 在迄今签署的约145吉瓦的企业购电协议中,WBCSD的成员占了近一半. In 2021, 水务署成员平均39%的用电量来自可再生能源, 这相当于取代20个燃煤电厂的产能.



“参加WBCSD全球购电协议论坛提供了一个与可再生能源开发商建立联系的机会, consumers, lenders, law firms and other members of the value chain to help overcome obstacles and accelerate adoption of renewables in our portfolio. 通过这些努力,陶氏化学将在2025年之前利用可再生能源运营其在巴西的所有工厂.” 克劳迪娅·谢弗,拉丁美洲能源部气候一体化总监 & Climate, Dow

安永于2015年加入全球购电协议论坛,当时人们对企业购电协议还知之甚少, 尽管我们已经在英国签订了购电协议, 墨西哥和印度. 我们很荣幸能够加入该论坛,并帮助撰写了两份有关该主题的广泛阅读的报告, 让更多的人认识到购电协议如何帮助公司管理成本和支持其环境目标. 回顾这个过程,我们也可以看到我们学到了多少.” 菲尔·多米尼,能源总监 & 基础设施哦,是吧

“飞利浦是2015年WBCSD全球PPA论坛的创始成员之一. 透过论坛, we were able to enhance our collective knowledge through peer-to-peer sharing and to generate new ideas that we have put into action, 比如我们在芬兰的虚拟财团PPA. WBCSD and the PPA Forum have been a great lever to deliver solutions in an era where the need for corporate action to reduce global emissions is of the utmost urgency.”  Simon Braaksma,高级总监, 皇家飞利浦集团正规博彩十大网站排名.

We are immensely proud of what WBCSD and its member companies have achieved and are pleased to see its legacy live on in the flagship national and regional initiatives. Our 资源库 remains relevant for companies seeking guidance on how to navigate the challenges and opportunities of RE procurement. 


近年来, 可再生能源采购的最佳做法已有所发展, with leading companies factoring broader sustainability considerations into their procurement strategies – including the impact on the environment, 人与自然. Expectations are also growing for companies to go beyond carbon emissions reduction and contribute toward a sustainable power system that is equitable, 自然阳性,符合1.5°C scenario.

根据新的驱动因素指导企业做出电力采购决策, we set out six leadership approaches that go beyond the worthy goal of adding renewable power capacity to the grid that companies can use to evolve their procurement strategies and respond to the risks and opportunities the energy transition presents: 

1)      Procuring renewable power at the same time it is generated – resulting in a more comprehensive power procurement solution  

2)      通过预加载或延迟消耗来支持电网的灵活性,以支持电网的稳定性

3)      将正规博彩十大网站排名的减排潜力纳入采购决策 

4)      可持续地使用资源和材料, 在开发过程中, construction, 可再生能源采购项目的运营和退役

5)      确保可再生能源采购项目对自然有利

6)      Ensuring renewable power procurement projects support the just energy transition by putting people and communities first

The most appropriate procurement approach depends heavily on the company’s procurement and sustainability strategy, 他们的需求概况, the policy and regulatory frameworks in the markets where they are operating and the availability of each method in these markets.*

看一看 our report 有关每种领导方法的更多信息.


随着公司继续考虑气候因素, society and nature into their electricity procurement decisions and adopt the leadership approaches mentioned above, 他们也会被引导走向 获取可持续能源. 为了减少排放和增强业务弹性,企业需要考虑 all 能源用途-电力, 建筑和工业的供暖和制冷, and transport – across all assets and geographies; include all relevant internal stakeholders – from procurement and operations through to finance and executive management – and collaborate with external stakeholders, 整个供应链, 客户和本地终端用户.

We are actively focused on bringing together companies to tackle a few of these big sustainable energy procurement challenges: sustainable heat for industry and buildings, 低碳氢用于难以减排的行业. 


We are working with members to develop and promote pragmatic corporate guidance enabling light industry companies to accelerate deployment of renewable heat solutions. 在提供关于 可再生热能有吸引力的市场, 工业热泵 and 热力即服务,我们目前正在与正规博彩十大网站排名一起确定下一个重点领域.  

有关此工作流程的更多信息,请联系Surbhi Singhvi singhvi@hadeslo.com


We are working with our members to accelerate the commercial deployment of hydrogen with the lowest possible carbon intensity and 促进投资决策 在1的直线上.5°C scenario. We will continue to strengthen the market signal for hydrogen and accelerate the deployment of low-carbon hydrogen projects.

有关此工作流程的更多信息,请联系Celine Le Goazigo legoazigo@hadeslo.com.


We are launching a new workstream to provide guidance to corporate energy users to ultimately choose an optimal suite of technologies, business models and financing mechanisms for their energy needs as well as to play their role in solving the systemic challenges of the energy transition related to nature, equality, 气候和关键的原材料.

联系Surbhi Singhvi singhvi@hadeslo.com 看看你能不能参与进来.


We would like to thank over 100  companies who actively worked with each other over the past years to accelerate corporate renewable procurement. Equally, 我们感谢当时与我们合作的许多合作伙伴:我们的资源合作伙伴(SolarPower欧洲), WindEurope, RE100), IRENA, 气候组织, CEBA, WRI, Eurelectric, GWEC, CDP, CEBDS, CEADS, NBI, BNEF和We Mean business联盟. All of the companies and organizations have all been a significant part of the success of WBCSD’s Global PPA Forum

*WBCSD分析使用CDP的数据. 来自CDP的数据和分析排除了异常值.

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