Unleashing the power of data for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure

This article shows how digital solutions can accelerate the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. It outlines an 行动框架 for unlocking the full potential of data sharing and digital collaboration across industries.

发表: 2023年7月14日
作者: 托马斯·德洛森,运输部主管 & 移动和埃斯特·佩兰,助理,移动数字化
类型: 洞察力

As the world moves toward widespread electric vehicle (EV) adoption, a key challenge lies ahead: 快速有效地部署充电基础设施. Solving this challenge will be essential to decarbonize transport, which has 对化石燃料的依赖程度高于其他任何行业 这说明了 占全球碳排放量的五分之一. 然而, the companies and governments investing in charging infrastructure face significant hurdles, including high initial capital costs and difficulties related to infrastructure planning, 允许, 电网连接和电网容量发展.

Data has the power to facilitate these processes: increased predictability and optimized planning and infrastructure management go a long way in easing investments and accelerating deployment. 去年, members of the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) demonstrated that digital solutions based on data sharing could reduce carbon emissions from charging by 15% and unlock crucial grid capacity and capital efficiency gains.

Exceptional advances in data, analytics and connectivity are making digital solutions a potent tool to plan and manage transport, energy and infrastructure. Thanks to the deployment of sensors and the rise of connectivity,  企业正在收集信息 比以往任何时候都快,允许数据在实体正规博彩十大网站排名之间流动. 充电基础设施运营商, 汽车公司, 舰队运营商, 能源供应商, building managers and governments collect insights on all aspects of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI), 从规划设计到充电站的充电体验.

数据的真正价值在于它的聚合. This will require breaking down siloes across industries and enabling digital collaboration. 一个数字 行动框架 由WBCSD与Arcadis, Fujitsu合作发布[1] 以及其他会员公司和合作伙伴, introduces a set of recommendations for companies and governments to realize the full potential of digital solutions and accelerate EVCI deployments:

  • 地图专有数据, knowledge gaps and digital capacity across the value chain to identify possible synergies. 的 highest value potential from digital solutions will lie at the nexus of infrastructure, 消费者行为洞察, 电网容量和运输政策. 例如, to ensure the deployment of charging stations where they will be most needed and at the right capacity level, 在电网容量范围内规划投资是至关重要的, 空间限制和当地对电动汽车的预期需求.
  • Develop internal data collection and storage capacity with due consideration for existing structures for data sharing. A variety of schemes allow actors to engage in data sharing or monetization. 然而,, their use is limited by mismatched use of data standards and specification and process uncertainty. Companies must build a strong understanding of these structures internally by providing internal training and guidance, 投资于可靠的数据收集, 存储和分析能力.
  • Foster a policy environment that supports digital collaboration across sectors and industries. Digital policies must provide incentives and due diligence frameworks to guide data exchanges across industries and support the adoption of common standards and protocols. 例如, it will be crucial to integrate linkages with energy systems and infrastructure beyond roads in the rollout of the European mobility data space.

WBCSD的 运输 & 流动路径 gathers companies to accelerate transport decarbonization and promote data sharing and digitalization as core solutions for the transition to sustainable mobility. Fifteen of our member companies are building a data-sharing coalition to bolster new digital solutions for the transition to zero-emission mobility.

数字行动框架 是Arcadis和富士通共同努力的结果吗, 以及其他WBCSD成员的贡献, 包括伊顿, 埃奈尔, E-REDES, 微软, National Grid and Volkswagen and the partners EVBox and the Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership (GSEP).

它将于下周提交,作为努力的一部分 accelerate investments in zero-emission vehicles and charging infrastructure in emerging markets and developing economies during the ‘Supporting a Global Transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles’ joint Zero Emission Vehicles Transition Council (ZEV-TC)-WBCSD side event at the Clean 能源 Ministerial in Goa, 印度.

For more information about the initiative, please contact Esther Perrin (perrin@hadeslo.com).

[1] 富士通Uvance

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