

发表: 2023年3月2日
作者: 比尔Sisson, WBCSD北美执行董事
类型: 洞察力

妇女及Society事务署代表代表团出席了会议, 可持续性的实践者, 教育工作者, 和思想领袖的对话 GreenBiz23 将于2023年2月13日至16日在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔举行. GreenBiz是面向正规博彩十大网站排名商业领袖的年度盛会.

与会者围绕实现净零进行了对话, 推进循环经济, 提升Society公正, 把生物多样性放在最重要的位置. 事件于1点多举行,700 changemakers and set the tone for what businesses can expect for the rest of the year. 它也起到了积极的提醒,环境, Society, 和治理(ESG)不会消失. 解决系统性问题仍然是企业的首要任务, 为解决这些问题而制定的措施带来了希望.

作为WBCSD参与GreenBiz23的一部分, WBCSD北美 hosted a networking reception that brought together over 100 attendees. 黛安·霍道夫(WBCSD执行总裁, 通路) engaged Joel Makower (Executive Editor and Co-Founder of Greenbiz Group) in a discussion on what both are seeing as global and regional influences impacting businesses. Ezgi Barcenas (Chief of Sustainability at AB InBev) also joined us to speak about the company’s sustainability priorities in addressing equity, 自然, 和气候. 我们的主讲人,德里克·约翰逊总统 & 全国有色人种协进会是美国历史最悠久的民权组织.S.) closed the event by highlighting the NAACP's role over the years not just in voting and civil rights, 还有环境正义. He summed it up best when he said at the intersection of civil rights, 民主, 和气候: "There's no need for us to advocate for voting rights if there's no planet.” This was a powerful and meaningful message in the context of Black History Month. This provided attendees with insight and inspiration on how to accelerate change and achieve success to address these complex challenges.

我们的约定包括2月15日星期三的一次会议 揭开气候转型情景的神秘面纱. 这个分组会议讨论了WBCSD的 粮食、农业和林产品气候情景工具. Diane Holdorf moderated the panel discussion that featured Ryan Whisnant (Director, 土地使用财政, WBCSD), 戈登·达林(高级经理), 普华永道), 索菲·贝克汉姆(副总裁兼首席正规博彩十大网站排名官), 国际纸业). 小组成员解释了什么是气候变化, 它们是如何工作的, and how companies can leverage them to align with the recommendations of the 金融稳定理事会气候相关财务披露工作组(TCFD) 和 U.S. 美国证券交易委员会 (SEC)气候信息披露. The discussion highlighted how WBCSD members and partners are using scenario analysis and explored the 气候 Scenario Analysis tool through an interactive 视频演示. The key takeaway from this discussion was summed up by Diane reminding us that, “这种透明度和披露对商业至关重要, and relevant to business performance to help to mitigate risks and create additional opportunities.”

水务署的新研究 Transition Planning and 气候 Scenario Analysis for 食物, 农业 and Forest Products was introduced during this session and included discussions on the lessons from the development of the 气候 Scenario Tool and its application to transition planning. 此外,本届会议正式启动 气候情景分析工具影响中心. For those interested and in need of practical information about TCDF 气候 Scenarios, the Impact Hub is an all-in-one source to view and download the tool and its supporting resources. Signing up to receive additional information related to the Tool is a must.

当天晚些时候,我主持了小组讨论 将企业房地产归零 and framed the urgency of taking real estate to net-zero in my opening remarks reminding attendees that, “Every five days the equivalent of Paris is built somewhere around the world.” Joining me in this discussion was Susan Uthayakumar (Chief 能源 and Sustainability Officer, 美国普洛斯集团), Renae Kezar(全球正规博彩十大网站排名和监管事务副总裁), 江森自控), 梅丽莎·达, 全球正规博彩十大网站排名教育和参与合作伙伴, Arcadis), Brenden McEneaney(高级V.P.,正规博彩十大网站排名,仲量联行).

在整个小组中, we highlighted how real estate companies can lead and are leading the way with innovative initiatives to decarbonize the sector through green leases and financing improvements to buildings themselves, 而不是加重租户的负担. Central to this conversation was the recently released WBCSD report titled “净零建筑:今天建筑排放量减半.” The report highlights the degree of decarbonization that can be achieved through collaboration by all stakeholders involved in the built environment. A consistent theme echoed by all panelists was the need for collaboration to get to net-zero emissions in the built environment. As Renae Kezar stated at the end of the session: “There’s no path to net-zero without decarbonizing buildings.”

水务署于2月16日在 Regenerative 农业: Reducing Emissions, Supporting Biodiversity, Feeding the World 由本会成员主办的会议 ADM托尼Siantonas (Director of Scaling 积极的农业 at WBCSD) moderated this panel. 加入托尼的是米歇尔·弗兰奇(导演), 全球正规博彩十大网站排名计划, ADM), 保罗·巴特勒(一个农民), David Bennell(有限合伙人), CPG资本).

在本次会议期间, panelists reinforced how regenerative agriculture is critical to the future of life on our planet and emphasized how urgent it is to maintain soil health. 做得正确, the collection of 自然-based solutions can sequester carbon in soils, 促进生物多样性, and keep our ability to produce food for a growing global population. The panel also highlighted successes that are beginning to show the value of regenerative agriculture, including the different ways in which risk is being managed so that the burden does not all fall on the grower. It also highlighted the need for partnerships and called out field-to-market as an example of a successful collaboration. 从农民的角度来看, Paul Butler pointed to both the challenge and opportunity of regenerative agriculture: cover crops help him to protect against soil erosion, but he currently cannot afford to have cover crops applied throughout his farm.

到最后 GreenBiz23, both from an overall perspective and from WBCSD’s and our member contributions, 我们离开时感到精神振奋、乐观. As Joel Makower said at the opening plenary: “There has never been a more exciting time, 或者更可怕的时刻, 为了正规博彩十大网站排名. 紧迫性是真实存在的, 机会是真实的, 而商界的大多数人最终也加入了进来.”

标签: 北美

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