New report lays out roadmap to achieve sustainable rice production

Targeted investment partnerships are vital to achieving sustainable and equitable rice production, 在COP27上发布的一份新报告得出结论. 代表了最新的研究成果 可持续水稻景观倡议, an international consortium mobilizing finance for sustainable rice cultivation for 260 million smallholder farmers across Asia, the report lays out a roadmap to helping rice farmers adopt sustainable practices. New finance tools based on the findings are already being developed. 

发表: 11月11日2022
类型: 新闻

2022年11月11日,沙姆沙伊赫一份新的报告是由……联合制作的 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD) 可持续稻米平台 (SRP)和 农村转型 (JRT),技术输入来自 联合国粮食及农业组织 (粮农组织),是在 美食财经网 (GFFN)新闻发布会于11月11日在COP27举行.  

扩大私营部门 可持续稻米投资:需求与机遇" report finds that finance models that can successfully scale up investment in sustainable rice will require strong partnerships involving a range of public and private actors with different appetites for risk and return. To ensure that farmers are not left behind in the shift to regenerative food systems, 将需要多种资金来源和工具, the most catalytic being long-term patient capital and de-risking using concessionary finance and technical assistance. 在一起, these efforts will transform rice production – which currently emits more greenhouse gases than the aviation industry – into a sustainable agrifood system. 

Two new finance tools are already being developed based on the report’s findings. 由…资助的混合融资工具 全球环境基金 (GEF) is currently being designed and will be piloted in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam. The facility aims to catalyze public and private funds for climate-resilient rice farms, 价值链与生计. Partners are working on designing the facility’s integrated financing mechanism, developing local and national stakeholder capacities and establishing impact monitoring of the facility. 

The second finance tool is an accelerator for nature-based rice solutions. 预计将于2023年发射, this platform will leverage the rapidly expanding carbon markets to increase private-sector funding for sustainable rice production. 它将吸引企业, address challenges to funding and provide companies interested in investing with the necessary technical support and guidance needed to mobilize high-quality credit generation. 

维多利亚克劳福德, 投资伙伴关系引领农村公平转型, said: “Rice production is crucial for global food security and nutrition and provides livelihoods for nearly a billion people. 然而, the way rice is typically produced has a substantial environmental impact, including emitting 10% of global methane and consuming 40% of global irrigation water. This jeopardizes the long-term viability of rice farming and the communities that depend on it. 

“农民需要获得融资, technical assistance and services to adopt tried and tested approaches to improving rice sustainability, such as better water management or improved rice varieties. 通过改善流入稻米部门的资本, these new finance tools will make a real difference for farmers – whether that’s by lowering interest rates for new equipment, extending access to weather advisories and early warning systems or enhancing post-harvest infrastructure to reduce food loss.” 

托尼Siantonas, 导演, 扩大积极农业, WBCSD, said: “The widespread adoption of proven and investment-ready sustainable rice production techniques will transform rice value chains. This will be critical to meeting global climate, nature, inequality and nutrition goals. 然而, 水稻景观给投资者带来了特别的挑战, 包括小农场层面的资金需求, limited demand for sustainable rice and the need to provide comprehensive support to farmers, 比如技术咨询, 市场联系和普惠金融.” 

埃利斯博士, SRP执行董事, said: “With rice attracting increasing attention in the global climate change debate, this report offers a timely and authoritative review of the opportunities and challenges of financing a transition to sustainable rice production. Innovative finance mechanisms will be essential to catalyze a sector-wide transition to sustainable rice landscapes, 关注农民的资金需求, 企业和政府. The 可持续稻米平台 and 可持续的水稻景观 Initiative look forward to engaging with our partners in the finance and development communities to unlock these opportunities.” 

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