Global rollout of electric vehicles will depend on countries creating right framework for investment – new report says







2022年9月22日 Arcadis, in partnership with the 世界商业 委员会 可持续 发展 (WBCSD), 今天发布了 全球充电基础设施市场报告包括全球21个地区, the report analyzes five critical parameters to determine how well prepared each region is when it comes to investing in infrastructure to enable the transition to electric vehicles (EVs).

的 Netherlands consistently emerges as a leader when it comes to EV investments, 和其他优秀员工一起, 包括英国和美国加州. Sharing well-defined strategies for EV infrastructure roll-out at both national and local levels, as well as strong tax incentives and a growing volume of public charge points, 这些领跑者都在为大规模采用电动汽车奠定基调.

随着全球电动汽车市场的不断发展, countries all around the world will need to continue ramping up their investment in charging infrastructure if they are to successfully transition to zero-emission vehicles. In the report, Arcadis and WBCSD have identified over 23 metrics across the five parameters. 的se are deemed to be the most influential when it comes to measuring a region’s market readiness for investment and have been used to determine what regions are doing well and w在这里 they could improve.

的 five key parameters critical for supporting investment in EV infrastructure are:

1. 政府领导和激励措施

Policy changes and stricter environmental regulations are some of the strongest catalysts for a global EV transition.

香港在这方面处于领先地位, 提供免税优惠, an existing ban on ICE vehicles and penalty charges if driving in low emission zones without meeting the required standard. It also has a clear net zero declaration and a government budget for charging infrastructure incentives that is higher than 0.GDP的08%. 

2. 电动汽车市场的成熟度和准备程度

A region needs to have a mature EV market to support viable investment in charging infrastructure. 成熟市场的特点是车辆的可负担性, availability of fit-for-purpose vehicles and ramped-up production capabilities.

欧洲在这方面处于领先地位,尤其是挪威和荷兰. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 许多南美国家还有改进的余地, 比如阿根廷, 智利和墨西哥, 目前电动汽车的市场份额还不到2%.

3. 潜在的回报

利用率是稳定回报的关键, and it is important to get the balance right between too much infrastructure and low utilization, 基础设施供给不足vs过高的利用率, 这可能会造成“插销排队”.” 潜在的回报 is also affected by factors including electricity price, 化石燃料价格, charging infrastructure capital expenditure and flexibility of other services that can be monetized.

在被测量的地区中,中国在这方面是最强的. Europe also performs well, particularly 西班牙, 挪威 and the Netherlands.

4. 充电基础设施

的 availability and accessibility of charge points are major factors in the transition to EVs. This means having access to reliable charging abilities at every point in the journey – at departure (street, 车库或车道), 在路上, 在目的地.

荷兰在这方面处于领先地位, but 纽约 and 加州 in the US also perform well in this category. Although the number of charge points is relatively low in both US states, they are set to benefit from a clear national strategy and have reliable power networks. 然而, 纽约, 特别是, would benefit from increasing its ratio of forecast public charge points, 目前每个充电点最多可充16辆车, compared with 加州’s much stronger forecast ratio of 6-10 cars per public charge point.

5. 营商便利度

Strong government leadership combined with a robust legal system and regulatory policies, 以及强劲的人均GDP, demonstrates the potential and attractiveness of investing in a region’s growing EV market.


Arcadis全球新移动解决方案总监Simon Swan表示: “电动汽车市场正在以相当快的速度发展, with new charging hubs and new technologies like wireless charging becoming available all the time. Accelerating this transition is critical for cutting emissions and limiting the impact of climate change, and it is encouraging that all regions included in this report are making progress towards mobility decarbonization, 尽管速度不同,聚焦区域也不同.”

WBCSD交通总监Thomas Deloison补充道: “Widespread EV adoption is key, and even in the slower to develop markets, t在这里 is progress. 本报告是一个时间快照, and regions will increase their scores as they adopt new government EV incentives, 增加电动汽车充电基础设施,或者随着电动汽车市场的成熟. 有了明确的领导和正确的政策杠杆, electric vehicles can play a prominent role in tackling the climate crisis and improving the quality of life for all communities across the world.”

的 全球充电基础设施市场报告 是对Arcadis早前发布的2021年全球电动汽车催化剂指数的扩展. 新更新的报告包含了更多的区域, 包括挪威, 火鸡, 香港和南美洲, 扩展指标, with the inclusion of the ‘ease of doing business’ and ‘returns potential’ categories.

的 purpose of the report is to promote collaboration and foster regional dialogues between countries and organizations exploring the EV landscape. 在一起, Arcadis and WBCSD want to encourage collective action and are developing tools to help businesses, governments and financiers in creating bespoke strategies for deploying Zero Emission Vehicle technology.

报告中分析的地区包括荷兰, UK, 德国, 挪威, 法国, 爱尔兰, 意大利, 西班牙, 火鸡, 加拿大, 加州, 纽约, 中国, 香港, 新加坡, 澳大利亚, 泰国, 智利, 巴西, 墨西哥和阿根廷. 

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