Governments and businesses unite to advance zero-emission vehicle adoption in India

发表: 2023年2月21日
类型: 新闻

2023年2月21日,新德里: 今天, 印度政府, the United Kingdom and the United States joined with business, the 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD) and multilateral funding organization to launch the first dialogue of the Partnership to Support an Accelerated Transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) in India. 的 meeting comes just after the announcement of the Union Budget 2023, 为“绿色增长”提供了助力, 包括在印度采用电动汽车.

Participants jointly launched a ZEV country pilot program with India to support India's ZEV transition plans and establish a model for other countries to follow. 的y also deepened partnerships between the Indian government and industry stakeholders through the ZEV新兴市场倡议 (ZEV-EM-I) to refine public policies and expand opportunities for private investment.

Partnership to Support an Accelerated Transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles in India 将于2022年在COP27上由 ZEV-TC. 在今天的开幕对话中, stakeholders discussed three crucial topics: India's priorities, 野心, and experiences in its transition to ZEVs; a review of existing investments and engagement in India across the public and private sectors; and an exploration of new opportunities for stronger collaboration and coordination to speed up India's ZEV transition, 在二十国集团峰会前塑造国际合作, 清洁能源部长会议和COP28会议.

的 meeting was the first in a series of dialogues in emerging markets planned for 2023, aiming to establish new public-private partnerships and strengthen support for countries. Several leading international companies from the ZEV value chain have already joined the initiative, 包括Arcadis, BloombergNEF, Eşarj Enerjisa, 第五个墙, 富士通, 抓住, 日立, 本田, 毕马威(KPMG), LeasePlan, LinkedIn, 百事可乐, 德国邮政DHL集团和优步.

的se participating companies have already pledged to globally invest over USD $50 billion in the ZEV transition in their operations and to deploy over 2 million electric vehicles by 2030. 的se companies will initiate dialogues in selected emerging markets in Latin America and Southeast Asia, with the aim of accelerating and de-risking investments through supportive policies.

阿尔伯特·张,彭博社全球分析主管说, "的 transition to zero-emission vehicles represents a multi-trillion-dollar opportunity and a critical solution on the path to net zero in India. 协作将是释放潜力的关键, and BloombergNEF is delighted to work alongside 印度政府, the US and UK and WBCSD as a key knowledge partner in this important initiative."

Christopher Hook, Uber全球正规博彩十大网站排名主管说: "We're devoting USD $800 million in resources to help drivers go electric - and we're seeing encouraging early results, 尤其是在英国和美国. We want to partner with cities to see those same results everywhere. 应对气候变化是一项全球努力, and we're committed to doing our part to help accelerate an equitable shift to EVs worldwide."

Ram Ramachander,日立零碳的首席执行官说, "日立 ZeroCarbon is proud to be part of the ZEV-EM-I initiative as we help deliver innovative end-to-end fleet decarbonization solutions and discover untapped revenue streams in emerging markets. What companies increasingly understand is that we need to redesign the planet's infrastructure from the industrial-age revolution to a climate change–age revolution. 电动汽车是实现这一转变的关键."

Yoshinami Takahashi, EVP and Vice-head of the Global Solution Business Group, 富士通, 说, “富士通很荣幸成为ZEV-EM倡议的合作伙伴. Our goal in ZEV-EM-I is to transform how we interact with information, enabling us to apply innovative approaches toward addressing a wide variety of pressing societal issues. 通过去年与WBCSD成员的合作, 富士通’s Fleet Optimization solution enabled fleet operators to reduce CO2 emissions from EV charging by 15%. 通过与ZEV-EM-I成员合作, we believe our knowledge and technology can accelerate the transition to ZEV in emerging countries.”

有关此计划的更多信息, 请联系Urska Skrt, 经理, 流动性脱碳, WBCSD, at

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