Companies unite to advance truck electrification in India and signal demand for 7,到2030年电动货运车辆将达到700辆

发表: 2023年7月19日
类型: 新闻

2023年7月19日,印度果阿: Fifteen prominent companies have come together under the Zero Emission Vehicles Emerging Markets Initiative (ZEV-EMI) and the Indian government's E-FAST (Electric Freight Accelerator for Sustainable 运输) initiative to advance the electrification of the truck market in India. 今天, 在果阿举行的G20峰会和清洁能源部长会议上, they announced several pilot projects and signaled demand for more than 5,到2027年,印度将有1000辆电动卡车(e-卡车),到2030年达到700辆电动卡车. They have agreed to work together to establish favorable market conditions for the deployment of electric trucks through a national task force.

This announcement comes after a series of dialogues hosted as part of the ZEV Country Partnership with India, 由 镍钛Aayog英国、美国和 the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD),在 ZEVTC.

The ZEV-EMI initiative and the E-FAST platform – 由 镍钛Aayog and supported by World 资源 Institute (WRI) India – have joined forces to bring businesses and policymakers together to drive national electric freight (e-freight) action. 涉及的公司包括Aditya Birla Group, 亚马逊, 丹佛斯印度, DHL集团, Gentari, 京, 马士基, 雀巢, 百事公司印度, Shree水泥, UltraTech水泥和塔塔化学, 等.

The companies involved are dedicated to reducing carbon emissions in their fleet operations. They will collaborate under a national task force that will stimulate the development of the e-freight market in India. The task force is structured according to a national five-pillar strategy for electrifying trucks: aggregating demand, building industrial capacity and required financing instruments, 建模总拥有成本, 规划大规模试点实施, and supporting policymaking for zero-emission trucks in India.

"We commend the remarkable collaboration demonstrated by the industry leaders in their concerted efforts to drive the electrification of India's truck market. The initiative undertaken by these prominent companies under the NITI-led E-FAST India and ZEV-EMI platforms aligns perfectly with our vision for sustainable development. By signaling demand for thousands of electric trucks and establishing a national task force, they are setting a strong foundation for the transition towards zero-emission vehicles. I am thrilled to witness such transformative collaboration and endeavors, which will undoubtedly contribute to India's journey as a front-runner in decarbonizing the road freight ecosystem." 印度国家统计局顾问Sudhendu Jyoti Sinha.

"The ZEV Country Partnership with India – co-launched by India, 英国, the US and WBCSD at COP27 through the ZEV Transition Council – is driving forward critical work to provide stronger support to India in turbocharging its transition to ZEVs this decade. The strong progress announced at the CEM in India – including on demand for e-freight and finance capacity building for Indian States – shows the power of public-private collaboration to accelerate the transition to ZEVs to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement." 埃德•韦伯, 融资和部门转型司副司长, 国际净零, 英国政府

在第27届缔约方会议上, 与国际合作伙伴一起, the United States announced the ZEV Emerging Markets Initiative to help leading businesses step up their efforts to help decarbonize the mobility sector in fast-growing markets around the world. 今天's announcement is the culmination of intense work over the last year in bringing key stakeholders in the private and public sectors together in India and setting an ambitious goal of electrifying more than 5,在未来数年,将会有5,000辆中型及重型车辆. We hope this initiative will play an important part in India's larger effort to electrify the transport sector, 投资配套的基础设施, 并使全球电动汽车供应链多样化." Rick Duke, Deputy Special Envoy for 气候, US State Department

"今天's announcement marks a significant milestone in India's transition to zero-emission vehicles. Leading businesses are spearheading the electrification of the truck market. We are excited that the radical collaboration driven through the ZEV-EMI initiative is paving the way for action and bringing us closer to a net-zero trajectory." Diane Holdorf, WBCSD执行副总裁

For additional information about the ZEV-EMI, please get in touch with Urska Skrt.

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