
发表: 2023年9月27日
作者: 软商品论坛 & 亚马逊环境研究所(IPAM)执行主任安德烈•吉玛尔
类型: 洞察力

在这次采访中,执行主任 亚马逊环境研究所 (IPAM), 安德烈吉马良斯, provides a historical 和 legal context of Brazil’s agricultural system 和 explains the role that incentives can play in addressing unsustainable l和 use practices.  

Q: Could you provide an overview of how Cerrado l和scapes have evolved over the last 20 years, 包括对森林砍伐和土地转换的主要驱动因素的描述?   

从20世纪早期到中期, 巴西是水果等食品的净进口国, 谷物, 和肉. 20世纪70年代, 这个国家把兴趣转向扩大农业生产, 尤其是咖啡和可可. 政府迅速加大了财政投入, 技术, 以及鼓励农民创业的法律激励, 包括一项允许农民清理一定比例土地的法律, 这在今天仍然成立[巴西的森林法规 规定塞拉多的土地所有者必须保留35%的土地作为原生植被]. At the start of this expansion, the Cerrado 和 Amazon rainforests were nearly completely intact. 然而, 今天, 50% of the Cerrado 和 18% of the Amazon have since been cleared to allow the meeting of the country's agricultural goals. 

巴西是当今世界上最大的农业出口国之一, but the expansionist model that facilitated the advancement of its agricultural production cannot be sustainably maintained with the country’s current agricultural output. 农业和食品部门约占其出口总额的40%直接或间接地支持全国五分之一的工作, but Brazilian farmers rely on forests for ecosystem services like rainwater 和 soil health that directly impact agricultural yields 和 the water that powers hydroelectric dams. 该国还面临来自贸易伙伴越来越大的压力,要求其停止土地转换. 


问:哪些激励措施有助于打击森林砍伐和宗教转换, 以及它们如何支持生产者降低土地清理的机会成本? 

Addressing deforestation 和 l和 conversion in the Cerrado requires a two-fold agenda through which farmers are incentivized to both relinquish their legal rights to clear l和 和 produce in a manner that maintains the ecological integrity of forests. 鉴于现有的法律障碍, financial 和 technical incentives can drive farmers to change their practices in favor of forest-positive production.  

财政激励措施可能包括使用碳和水信用额度, 私人投资及保育措施的报酬. Technical assistance to manage soil health can support farmers in achieving higher yields through the adoption of sustainable practices.  

These incentives have been successfully tested in Brazil before: the 20-year-old Plano Safra annually disburses over US$60 billion of taxpayer money toward government-subsidized loans for agriculture 和 livestock production across the country. 这是2023/24年 Plano Safra正在支付创纪录的91美元.80亿年 向信贷融资和改善农业基础设施迈进. Plano Safra包括一些项目 要求农民证明他们遵守该计划的意图,例如负责任的信贷使用,确保环境和社会标准得到遵守.  


Q: How much have Cerrado producers embraced conservation efforts, 和 how appealing are they to them?  

Given the traditional cultural practice in which Brazilian farmers have been encouraged to exp和 their l和 usage 和 intensify production for profit, 如何有效地展示森林积极农业的巨大价值就变得至关重要. 这种知识共享对于倡导公共和基于市场的激励措施至关重要. Tangible examples that connect farmers’ practices 和 the science of climate 和 l和-use change can be leveraged to demonstrate the devastating impacts on farmers’ unsustainable businesses practices. 

例如,在南里奥格兰德州,一个重要的农业州, 几年前,人为影响给农业综合企业造成了30亿美元的损失 due to low precipitation, which relies on transpiration water from the Amazon rainforest (See also 飞行的河流). It is equally important to communicate to farmers how financial 和 technical incentives will ultimately reduce their vulnerability to the negative consequences of deforestation 和 conversion in an actionable way. 

最终, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for transforming an agricultural system that has long hinged on extensive consumption. 然而, 通过农业价值链各利益相关方的共同努力, 包括金融界, 我们有理由期待塞拉多的未来更加光明. 


问:IPAM工作背后的变革理论是什么? 农民优先集群等倡议如何促进IPAM的战略? 

从挪威和荷兰政府的投资中获益, IPAM is testing a hypothesis whereby ending deforestation could be incentivized in Mato Grosso, where 7 million acres of remaining native vegetation could be protected through financial compensation to rural producers. 自2020年以来,这一实验导致了CONSERV项目, 到目前为止,哪个国家保护了20个国家,707 hectares of native vegetation 和 convened major stakeholders to advance its business model.  

在塞拉多开启类似的转变带来了不同的挑战. Whereas the Amazon rainforest is largely public 和 faces illegal deforestation 和 l和-grabbing that the state must mediate, 塞拉多大部分由私人土地组成, 完全不同的法律限制. 因为国家对私人领土没有同样的管辖权, private producers must be approached through financial 和 technical incentives to change their traditional practices, rather than comply with a “comm和 和 control” approach used to regulate production in the Amazon. Private l和owners likely already have an underst和ing of legal restrictions that apply to them, 这对于IPAM的CONSERV项目这样的机制来说可能是一个优势.  

另外, 塞拉多河与亚马逊河有着不同的特点, 不同的土壤组成和供水, 阻止森林砍伐和土地转换的战略必须考虑哪些因素. The Farmer First Clusters initiative helps drive change in a way that engages farmers toward intensified production, 同时激励他们保护森林.  



来自非政府组织和整个社会的监督是实现行业目标的重要推动力. This is why enhancing transparency regarding the challenges companies face in their efforts to end deforestation 和 conversion serves as a catalyst for effectively surmounting barriers that impede progress in ending l和 clearing, 在保护自己声誉的同时. This practice fosters an environment conducive to resolving these hurdles 和 invites stakeholders with a vested interest to collaborate for success. 



以推动森林保护的长期转型, 科学模型必须首先在地方一级应用和观察.  

而全球机构,比如 联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会 定期发布有关全球气候和土地利用变化的信息, farmers need to underst和 how these changes will affect their immediate environment – their farms, 市, 和州. 即使是看似微不足道的改变, 比如以大树为食的物种数量的减少, 为小树提供树荫, 威胁地面植物群和雨水灌溉会产生多米诺骨牌效应吗, 哪些对农业生产至关重要.  

森林和农业紧密相连, 和 underst和ing their dynamics 和 constant evolution at the local level will be fundamental to crafting solutions that address deforestation 和 conversion in the Cerrado over the long term. 



请正规博彩十大网站 露西史密斯 如果你想了解更多关于SCF或参与其中.  

标签: 软商品论坛

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