
Published: 27 Sep 2023
Author: The Soft Commodities Forum
Type: Insight

Jarbas Bergamaschi, aged 46, is a rural producer and owner of Sama Farm in the Brazilian Cerrado, where he cultivates soybeans, wheat, corn, and sorghum. Having lived in Western Bahia since 2001, 同年,他从工商管理专业毕业,离开了他位于圣卡塔琳娜的家乡Xanxerê, Jarbas moved to Sama Farm in 2007, located in the municipality of Luís Eduardo Magalhães, within the same region of the state. 我们最近与他进行了交谈,以更好地了解巴伊亚州可持续农业的重要性, 以及他在该地区实施可持续农业实践的经验.  

Q: What does sustainable agriculture mean to you?  

答:可持续农业是维持我们业务的基础. As producers, 我们的目标是保护和保持土壤的健康,因为它是我们最宝贵的正规博彩十大网站排名. 《正规博彩十大网站》规定,我们地区至少20%的农业用地必须保留原生植被. Our farm consists of 28% native vegetation, 包括一个永久保护区(APP)和一个沿着流经我们财产的河岸的法定保护区. To protect this legal reserve near the river, 我们所有的生产区域都位于地产的最高点, 与河流保持大约一千米的距离. In this context, our irrigation system is equipped with water management, allowing us to use only the necessary amount of water. 因此,我们以可持续的方式利用自然资源,包括水和农业投入.  

问:在你们的日常农场经营中,最重要的技术是什么, and the most important markets for your business? 

A: We work with a no-till farming system for as long as possible, and when necessary, we renew the soil profile. We maintain contour lines in our areas due to the slope. We also employ a pest management system, whether they are chemical or biological, and we have advanced equipments, such as tractors, sprayers, and planters, for greater operational efficiency. 我们保护农场内的本地道路,并采取堵水措施,防止水土流失. 

Our primary markets are domestic, particularly for wheat, sorghum, and corn, 而我们的大豆大部分是通过区域贸易公司直接出口的. 


A: I don’t see this as a problem here. Our environmental legislation is quite stringent, 因此,农民只在其财产的合法范围内清理土地, protecting legal reserves. Clearing land illegally is no longer a practice among soy producers in this region; it is something that no longer fits within the activities of the producers. 事实上,农民关注的是保存他们的储备和保护土壤.  There's even a community along our road, and when there's a fire, we gather everyone and go fight the blaze. Rural producers want to preserve in every way possible. 

Q: Global markets, such as the European Union, are imposing restrictions on products linked to deforestation. How will these measures affect your business? 

答:我不认为欧洲市场有什么问题,因为在巴西,我们有非常严格的法律,指导我们在生产时进行保护. This should suffice. 巴西是世界上保护原生植被最多的国家之一, and rural producers are aware of this. 生产者明白遵守法规和照顾保护区的必要性. 我们保留我们的保护区,为这片土地纳税,并有义务照顾它. 由于我们没有从这种做法中获得任何经济利益,因此这些成本仍由我们承担. It's the law, and we comply with it. 我们认为这是为我们的子孙后代留下一个更好的地方的一种方式, and we take pride in conserving and protecting our land.  我们还能够遵守劳工和环境问题的国际认证. 


答:最大的动力是我们追求技术进步的愿望, cater to the market, and ensure that our products are recognized and valued. 由于巴伊亚的土壤和阳光照射,这里的产品具有质量优势. 一个激励措施是让市场根据蛋白质含量来奖励我们的产品, in the case of soybeans and corn, and in the case of wheat, we produce an improved, exceptionally high-quality crop. We are fulfilling our responsibilities, 交易者可以访问我们的文件并了解我们的操作方式. 缺少的部分是让市场认识到我们产品的经济价值. 

Q: From a sustainability perspective, 你如何看待你的农场和这个地区在长期的未来发展? 

A: I see this region becoming increasingly sustainable, 随着人们越来越意识到并认识到土壤保护和适当的土地和作物管理的好处. 我们需要改善本地区的基础设施,特别是物流和粮食储存. By maintaining legal reserves and their fauna, 我们会在生产部门和环境保护之间取得平衡, 这一趋势已经为每个人带来了积极的结果. Beyond their role as food producers, 巴西农民也在为保护环境做出贡献. 


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