Vision 2050 Connectivity Pathway: We can connect people

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05 August, 2021


WBCSD insights



Constant Van Aerschot

  1. Connectivity empowers everyone.
  2. Data optimizes performance and efficiency.
  3. Sustainable development can be tracked and managed.
  4. Connectivity respects people and the environment.
  1. Collaborate with governments, sector peers, 和金融机构提供所需的基础设施和服务,以确保负担得起, reliable internet connectivity for all.
  2. 与各国政府合作开展更广泛的举措,以扩大数字扫盲和解决数字技能差距, particularly for underrepresented groups.
  3. Collaborate across the ICT sector, and with civil 社会 and governments, 建立透明和公正的基础设施,以监测自然世界的状态并实时了解其影响.
  4. 利用新兴数字技术的力量,提高供应链的透明度和可追溯性机制,推动数据的开放获取.
  5. 实施并帮助形成新兴的最佳实践,以确保数据在整个价值链中得到保护,并保护人们的隐私权.
  6. Convert all data centers to 100% net-zero energy. 
  7. 根据《正规博彩十大网站排名》,继续落实并加强在互联互通价值链上的人权尽职调查.
  8. 拥抱循环经济原则,防止电子垃圾的指数增长和自然资源的枯竭.
  9. Engage with workers in the process of designing, 采用, and working with new digital technologies, 让他们掌握从这些技术中受益所需的技能.
  10. 采取严格的政策和措施阻止虚假信息的传播,并采取具体措施保护用户免受网络犯罪的侵害, 极端主义, hate speech, discrimination, and cyber-bullying.
